Cheap logos and Free logos are rarely that.
Lately, I have been coming across a post saying something like: "I will do 3 logo designs for £15". And of course, I scoffed, rolled my eyes and went on an adventure to find out the level of sophistication that "designer" is offering. Well, imagine my lack of surprise when I saw a bunch of AI/free logo tool graphics as a "portfolio" …
Logo Insights: Separating Fact from Fiction
When working on the “Is it just a logo, right?” article, I found myself pondering about other myths and misconceptions about logos that still circulate in the world with impunity. So, if you don’t mind, I will tackle a few of them.
Should I buy a premade logo?
Building on the previous article about logos, let’s explore the idea of using a premade logo from a stock page…
It is just a logo, right?
At its inception, a logo may seem like a simple graphic element. However, as your brand flourishes and interacts with your audience, that small emblem takes on a new dimension.
Logo Design - How to hire a graphic designer
If you’re on the hunt for a logo but aren’t sure where to start, I’ve got you covered. I’ll walk you through the process, what you need to prepare, what questions to ask, and what to expect
Let's talk design - an interview by onmymind studio
I had the privilege of being interviewed by a fellow designer and industry friend, Pawel Lachowicz from for his IG series about design…
On consistency in branding.
Often when branding is mentioned the word consistency is on the list as one of the key ingredients of a successful brand.
Consistency equals integrity.